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Little Litter Warriors

Little Litter Warriors

26th March 2021 Norton Juxta Kempsey Primary school

Today visit seen every pupil in the school from reception to year 6 take part in a litter pick activity. The morning was spent with children from Willow, Rowan, Hazel and Oak classes litter picking their school grounds. A reception pupil from the willow class came running up to me with her litter picker raised to show me that she had found half a grass snake. Her very proud achievement seen us all smile (and shiver a little) as we congratulated her on her find. This as an ambassador was a first for me as no one has ever found a snake before. The children from Willow were the clear winners of the day  as they found the oldest piece of litter of 12 years slightly buried in the soil under a tree. Brilliantly spotted and this piece of litter helped with the rest of this visits educational events as the children from other year groups recognised the snack packet straight away.

On a more serious note the children loved the litter pick activity and their infectious enthusiasm was witness as they raced around to find the oldest piece of litter throughout my litter challenges. 

The afternoon seen key stage 2 classes Ash, Maple & Elm take to the schools community streets to litter pick showing incredible community support. Ash class made their way to the recreational park where one pupil found a crisp packet dating back 10 years but I have to say the community areas were impressively very clean.
Maple and Elm are the oldest year groups in the school so I set them a slightly harder challenge to clear up as we headed along a public footpath. The teachers were surprised at the amount of plastic waste the children found in such a short amount of time. Personally children never shock me as they are incredible at hunting out litter and this visit did not let us down as over all the children collected 7 bags of litter in total.

I would like to thank the school, teachers and pupils for a fantastic day spent talking rubbish. Karen 

I wanted to email you to tell you what a fantastic time we had with Karen from Little Litter Warriors. She delivered litter picking sessions to the entire school in one day, which was a brilliant achievement! Every class enjoyed the sessions immensely and the whole school was buzzing with excitement afterwards. The children certainly became more aware of the impact that litter has on our local environment- particularly wildlife. 
Communication with Karen in the lead up to the visit and on the day itself was excellent. She was very engaging and ensured all children were involved and felt successful. It was fascinating to see the litter that she brought in from so long ago! 

I'd like to say a massive thank you to Karen for her hard work, I'll definitely be recommending the fun and informative session to my teacher colleagues around the area!

Kind regards, 
Year 5 teacher- Norton Juxta Kempsey Primary School

Little litter warriors educational visits are 100% funded by Wychavon council for all Wychavon schools. All visits are run by Karen a Litter heroes Ambassador for Keep Britain Tidy. @ecoschools @keepbritaintidy #GBSpringClean #ecoschools

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by Karen Blanchfield 19 May, 2024
Absolutely amazing to see the hard work and dedication of these young students being recognized in the community newspaper. πŸ—žοΈ They've put in so much effort to make a positive impact in their neighborhood by participating in the litter workshops, and it's truly inspiring to see them being celebrated for their contributions. This recognition will surely motivate them to continue making a difference and inspire others to do the same. Let's continue to support and uplift these young change-makers as they continue to make our world a cleaner and better place for everyone. Keep shining, young leaders! 🌟🌍cleaning up Wychavon #evesham #LitterHeroes #litterpicking #educationmatters #education #environment #wildlife article here
by Karen Blanchfield 19 May, 2024
May 24, I had the pleasure of joining the 3rd Droitwich Cubs Pack for a litter pick in their scouts huts community in Droitwich. It was truly inspiring to see the determination and enthusiasm of the cubs as they filled their bags in just 10 minutes. Working together throughout the hour, we were able to make a significant impact on the cleanliness of the area. The children's commitment to this activity was admirable, and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together. A big thank you to the leaders and cubs for their hard work and for making the litter pick so enjoyable. You all did an amazing job! 🌟 #LitterHeroes #litterpicking #community #skillforlife #scouts #cubscouts #droitwichspa #droitwich
by Karen Blanchfield 19 May, 2024
Last week, St Andrews CofE School in #evesham #hampton joined the anti-litter campaign with Little litter warriors. A total of 12 litter workshops were conducted, involving over 300 pupils, resulting in the collection of 22 bags of litter. This amounted to more than 4500 pieces of litter removed from the school and community areas. The children received recognition and gratitude from the community, including a shout-out on social media platforms. The engagement and passion displayed by the children towards preserving the wildlife in the community spaces was truly commendable. The success of this initiative demonstrates the positive impact of educating and involving young minds in keeping their environment clean. Their oldest find was a milk bottle dating 1960's with many pieces of litter dating back decades. Huge well done St Andrew's you really did fly the Keep Britain Tidy flag. The program is 100% funded by Wychavon council as part of their #antilittercampaign. The program is a long term strategy to secure an education to our youth in the communities of #droitwichspa #evesham & #perhore in a hope to create adults who care environmentally and make their individual decisions around waste count. To view the school pictures and read about the visit see newsletter dated 10th May
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
Wow, how amazing is that?! πŸ¦πŸ¦“πŸŒΏ The 20th Wyre Forest Scouts Bewdley Beaver colony really stepped up this week by helping out at the safari park to clean up litter and protect the wildlife! 🌍🚯 The kids had a blast and will never forget this incredible experience. Huge thanks to West Midlands Safari Park for allowing them to pitch in and make a difference! πŸΎπŸ‘ Thank you to the parents and leaders for organizing such a fun and impactful activity! Let's keep the safari tidy and continue to make a positive impact on our environment! 🌟🌏 #SafariPark #ProtectWildlife #LitterPick #AdventureCleanup #BeaverColonylitterwarriors πŸŒŸπŸ¦’πŸŒ³ Keep Britain Tidy #LitterHeroes Thank you to Wyre Forest District Council for sponsoring the little litter warriors activity equipment so that so many children in our communities groups can engage in such an important educational activity.
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
I was honored to be invited back to Westlands First School in Droitwich to conduct 4 litter workshops for 113 pupils. The enthusiasm and dedication shown by the students in collecting litter was truly commendable. It was heartening to witness their commitment towards ensuring a cleaner environment. The fact that they managed to gather 8 bags of litter, including items dating back several decades, is a testament to their hard work and the magnitude of the issue. This experience also served as a stark reminder of the lasting impact of plastic litter on our environment and the importance of preserving the natural habitats of our wildlife. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the students and teachers for their outstanding efforts.
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
11th Wyre forest Beavers Harkaway colony litter picked Springfield park in #kidderminster. Their care, love and sheer determination to collect every piece they could see was incredible. They were determined to reach as many pieces as possible from the stream using the long picker and managed to collect four bags of rubbish, a shopping basket, toy pram and much more. Their oldest litter find is still being investigated but they also found a 1983 & 2000 crisp packet. Huge well done to our eco warriors you really did make your community proud. Huge thank you to Hightown beach clean group for the beach litter donation to the educational program. Thanks to my Wyre Forest Scouts leaders family for supporting the litter pick activity. Thanks to Wyre Forest District Council for the community group equipment donation. #LitterHeroes #litterpicking #educationmatters Keep Britain Tidy #SkillsForLife
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
Plastic pollution and litter are significant environmental challenges that require education and awareness to address. Recently, I had the opportunity to revisit Droitwich High School to present the litter program to the new year 8 students. During two "Our Planet" assemblies, I emphasized the extent of plastic pollution in our oceans and the widespread littering of our beaches. By raising awareness of these issues, we can inspire individuals to take action in reducing plastic waste and properly disposing of litter. It is crucial to educate students and communities on the impact of plastic pollution and the importance of preserving our natural environment for future generations. The Our Planet assembly showcases the positive impact of the ocean clean-up project, aiming to inspire students with a proactive approach to environmental conservation. The assembly introduces them to Boyan Slat, the founder of the project, who developed the idea as a student. In addition, litter workshops are designed to be engaging and impactful, emphasizing the importance of adopting a reuse and sustainable lifestyle. By focusing on the success of the clean-up project and the potential impact of individual actions, students are encouraged to recognize the significance of their role in preserving the planet. This approach aims to instill a sense of empowerment and responsibility in the younger generation. Karen would like to express gratitude to Wychavon Council for their alignment with our shared long-term strategy to combat litter in the district's communities. By working together, we hope to promote a reusable society and instill a sense of responsibility in the next generation to care for their community spaces and respect the local wildlife. This collaboration will contribute to creating cleaner and more sustainable environments for all residents. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Wychavon Council to achieve our common goal of reducing litter and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. Thanks to Paws on Plastic Richard & Hightown beach clean group for sending me their beach litter pick waste for this program. It has been a very impactful showcase for the pupils and the teachers.
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
Plastic pollution and litter are closely connected environmental issues. They both contribute to harmful impacts on ecosystems and wildlife, therefore i t's important to bring current and relevant information to educational programs, especially when it comes to teaching children about environmental issues such as littering. Seeing and physically engaging with the topic can enhance learning experiences for young students. I want to extend my gratitude to Richard from Paws on Plastic in West Cornwall, who generously provided beach litter for our educational program. Sorting through the litter today was an eye-opening experience, and I'm excited to display it for high school students tomorrow. I also want to thank Richard of Kernow Transporters Ltd for his support. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the impact of littering and inspire the next generation to become LitterHeroes.
by Karen Blanchfield 03 May, 2024
Hanbury First School welcomed me back on 16th April 24 to conduct litter workshops for their pupils, focusing on educating them about the current environmental issues and empowering them to take action within their community. The students actively participated in cleaning up their school grounds and nearby areas, uncovering litter dating as far back as 2002. Throughout the day, I led three workshops, reaching a total of 120 pupils and emphasizing the significance of addressing litter pollution. The workshops aimed to inspire the children to become environmental stewards and the heroes of their community by taking proactive measures to combat littering and its detrimental impacts on the planet. The school pupils collected an astonishing 8 bags of litter after filling up over 60 buckets of litter. Well done to all the children involved truly inspirational.
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